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Lady Gail

Author of Jezebel And Her Sister Rejection, Scattered Sheep

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 Advocate for women in various crises.

Lady Gail Johnson

 Latest Releases

Scattered Sheep Workbook is designed to be used as an Interactive Study Guide to accompany the book "Scattered Sheep."

So much powerful truth in such a quick read! This book is full of truth that can bring restoration to the entire body of Christ! The conclusion of the matter is we need to all be ministers of reconciliation open and ready to be used to restore the body of Christ! Great job on both the book and the workbook!


I love this book because it breakdown things we do emotionally instead of fully relying on God. God give us leaders, who are anointed to lead the flock with wisdom and discernment. We are to trust, believe. This book has shown me “me”!!!

Carmen H.

I am so excited about receiving my book and I can't wait to read it. Gail Johnson is an awesome woman and writer and I know that this book will impact and change this lives of many.

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